[gst-devel] RELEASE: GStreamer 0.10.27 "You're Shocked, We Know"

Tim-Philipp Müller t.i.m at zen.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 03:04:45 CET 2010

This mail announces the release of GStreamer 0.10.27 "You're Shocked, We

GStreamer is a streaming media framework that allows the construction of
graphs of elements which operate on media data.

Applications using this library can do anything from real-time sound
processing over playing video to capturing audio, video, and even other
types of media data. Its architecture allows for adding new data types
or processing capabilities simply by installing new plug-ins.

GStreamer is the core module, containing libraries, headers, the basic
object hierarchy, and a set of media-agnostic core elements.
For more information, see

To report bugs, request features or submit patches, please go to

Direct links:

MD5 sums (for tarballs downloaded from gstreamer.freedesktop.org):
b1a39f93555fa66fd053c25ebba2661f  gstreamer-0.10.27.tar.bz2
f5ccb66ebe44c23cbc171d572dedf406  gstreamer-0.10.27.tar.gz

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Release notes for GStreamer 0.10.27 "You're Shocked, We Know"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release
in the 0.10.x stable series of the
core of the GStreamer streaming media framework.

The 0.10.x series is a stable series targeted at end users.
It is not API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.8.x series.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.8.x series.

The 0.10.x series has been reworked for threadsafety.  It also features
various feature additions and enhancements.

This module, gstreamer, only contains core functionality.
For actual media playback, you will need other modules.

contains a basic set of well-supported plug-ins
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins under our preferred license
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins, but might pose problems for
contains a set of less supported plug-ins that haven't passed the
    rigorous quality testing we expect


Features of this release
      * basesrc: protect segment values from concurrent access from different threads
      * typefind: protect internal fields from concurrent changes from different threads
      * typefind: fix pad activation corner-case with have-type already having been emitted
      * typefind: reset the working mode when going to READY/NULL, fixes re-use from READY state as with decodebin2
      * gstpoll: fix crash when logging is enabled for GST_POLL
      * bytewriter: expose gst_byte_writer_put_{float32|float64}_*() properly in header
      * basesink: fix emergency rendering timestamp tracking
      * fdsink, fdsrc: fix compilation with MSVC
      * memindex: avoid busy loop when doing EXACT lookup

Bugs fixed in this release
      * 610366 : [gstcollectpads][doc] Add a reminder for 'data' doc
      * 605189 : gst_element_get_state has wrong introspection
      * 607771 : [API] Add gst_byte_writer_fill
      * 608036 : [typefind] deadlock when upstream puts caps on buffers on pull mode
      * 608877 : [typefind] Access to internal fields not threadsafe
      * 609941 : GStreamer-WARNING **: External plugin loader failed.
      * 610210 : [PATCH] Fix compilation of fdsink and fdsrc with MSVC
      * 610246 : [optimization] Speed up _get_range()
      * 610367 : [memindex] might busy loop upon EXACT lookup
      * 610444 : [controller] Interpolation control source passes NULL pointers to GSequence API
      * 611087 : [basesink] emergency rendering of late buffers fails after resuming from PAUSE
      * 611719 : GST_DEBUG_OBJECT macros not fed with GObject* in gstpoll.c

API changed in this release
- API additions:
* gst_byte_writer_fill()


You can find source releases of gstreamer in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


GStreamer is stored in Git, hosted at git.freedesktop.org, and can be cloned from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.


Applications ported to GStreamer 0.10 include Totem, RhythmBox, Sound-Juicer,
Gnome Media, Flumotion, Amarok, Jamboree, Pitivi, Istanbul, AnnoAmp, Elisa, and others.
Let us know if you want to be added to this list.

Contributors to this release
      * Andoni Morales Alastruey
      * Arun Raghavan
      * Benjamin Otte
      * Edward Hervey
      * Johan Bilien
      * Mark Nauwelaerts
      * Sebastian Dröge
      * Stefan Kost
      * Thiago Santos
      * Tim-Philipp Müller

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