[gst-devel] Problems playing an open file

Daniel gstreamer at xn--ngel-5qa.de
Mon Mar 22 13:51:05 CET 2010

Dear developers,

I have problems building a specific gstreamer-pipe for my needs and hope,
that someone here can help me with this.

I am coding a gstreamer-based tv-card-tool. Playing and recording
v4l2-streams is no problem thanks to gstreamer. Implementing a
timeshift-funktion seems to be a tougher problem, however.

I'll try to sum up the problem: Let's say, someone presses the pause-button
in my tv-tool. I'd then stop playback and start recording the stream with
this pipe:

gst-launch-0.10 v4l2src device=/dev/video1 ! queue ! videorate !
video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480,fps=25         ! queue  ! xvidenc
bitrate=300000 ! queue ! muxout.   osssrc device=/dev/dsp ! queue !
audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=1,width=16 ! queue ! audioconvert !
lame ! muxout.  avimux name=muxout ! filesink location=video.avi

If one now wants to resume playback, not the actual stream would be shown,
but the file, that i am saving that stream to (a.k.a. timeshift).

And that is, where problems start for me:
I need to play this open file in a way, that's more like streaming: As I am
writing continuous to the file from v4l2-stream, also playback should be
continuous. In reality, gstreamer seems to index the open file at startup
and just plays that data, which has been written to the file at this point.
What I want gst to do is, to play even that data, which has been written to
that file, *after* gst started playing this file.

I hope, I made the point clear - my english isn't that good at all. I'd
really be grateful, if someone'd help me with that. I didn't find anything
in the docs.



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