[gst-devel] Using a Bin

José Luis Segura Lucas josel.segura at gmx.es
Sat Oct 16 00:13:48 CEST 2010

El Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:23:07 -0300
Luciana Fujii Pontello <luciana at holoscopio.com> escribió:
> On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 18:25 +0200, José Luis Segura Lucas wrote:
> > If I create the bin usign the "normal" way (declare the bin, the
> > elements, add it to the bin...) it simply can't link the
> > videotestsrc to the bin.
> When creating your bin you need to create a ghost pad targeting the
> decodebin2 sink pad, so you can link the videotestsrc to the bin.
> Other than that, you also need to connect to "new-decoded-pad" signal
> from decodebin2 and link the pad to autovideosink in you callback.
> > If I create the bin using parse_bin_from_description, all goes fine,
> > but the image of the videotestsrc "freeze". I suppose that I'm
> > missing some step... Can you help me?
> I don't know what may be causing that. Check if that happens when you
> do it the "normal" way too.

Doing it the normal way (videotestsrc -> decodebin2 -> autovideosink)
works perfect (without using Bin)

> But it's a little odd to use decodebin2
> in that pipeline. Why are you doing that?

Well, I know. It is only an example. I use the decodebin2 because I
need two elements inside the bin and one outside. My problem is in
another program, but this is the smallest snippet I can imagine to show
the problem to you :-)

> Regards,

Thanks for your time!

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