Gstreamer AppSink & AppSrc with Threads

Matias Hernandez Arellano msdark at
Mon Apr 4 19:32:34 PDT 2011

(sorry for my english)

I have an application with two pipeline each of them using AppSink and AppSrc.

The AppSink pipeline capture frames from webcam.
Then i  get frames from the this pipeline and make some image processing (with OpenCV) and push to the AppSrc pipeline to do the streaming part..

The problem is i lost a lot of info (in the command line a get gstreamer messages tell me that i lost a lot of buffers) and the application don't work "normal" ..

So i think.. it's possible to do this with some threads...

One to get de images from the webcam.
One to Process this
and finally one to make the streaming part?

here are some code:

//part of the main
//The pipelines
sprintf(entrada_str,"qtkitvideosrc ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480 ! ffmpegcolorspace "
                      "! video/x-raw-rgb,format=RGB3,width=640,height=480 ! appsink name=\"%s\"",entrada_name);

sprintf(salida_str,"appsrc name=\"%s\" ! queue ! videoparse format=14 width=640 height=480 ! videorate ! videoscale ! ffmpegcolorspace "
                  "! video/x-raw-rgb,width=640,height=480 ! glimagesink",salida_name);

pipe_entrada = gst_parse_launch(entrada_str,&error);
pipe_salida = gst_parse_launch(salida_str,&error);

// and the appsink callback
 GstBuffer *buffer = gst_app_sink_pull_buffer((GstAppSink*) gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pipe_entrada),entrada_name));
img_data = (uchar*)GST_BUFFER_DATA(buffer);
//Create the OpenCV image
img = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(640,480),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3);
/* Do some image processing */

/* Push the image to appsrc */
gst_app_src_push_buffer( GST_APP_SRC( gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(pipe_salida),salida_name)) , buffer);

Thanks in advance

Matías Hernandez Arellano
Ingeniero de Software/Proyectos en VisionLabs S.A
CDA Archlinux-CL

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