Still can't get videomixer to do live video at full frame rate

wally_bkg wb666greene at
Wed Aug 17 09:37:54 PDT 2011

wally_bkg wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with the C syntax to get the videomixer sink pads
> and set the ypos properties on them as done by the gst-launch.  Any
> examples out there?

I figured out something that seems to work, the docs say function is
depreciated and should not be used, but its all I could get to work:

// build up the pipeline
        // container blank frame
	link_ok=gst_element_link_many(blank, filter960, mixer, NULL);
	if (!link_ok) {
		g_warning ("Failed to link: blank, filter960, mixer\n");
        // camera R
	link_ok=gst_element_link_many(source, colorspace, I420filter, scale, tover,
mixer, NULL);
	if (!link_ok) {
		g_warning ("Failed to link: source, colorspace, I420filter, scale,
        // camera L
	link_ok=gst_element_link_many(source1, colorspace1, I420filter1, scale1,
tover1, mixer, NULL);
	if (!link_ok) {
		g_warning ("Failed to link: source1, colorspace1, I420filter1, scale1,
        // mixer to xvimagesink
	link_ok=gst_element_link(mixer, sink);
	if (!link_ok) {
		g_warning ("Failed to link: mixer, sink\n");
        // shift a camera to bottom half of container frame
		g_object_set (G_OBJECT (mixsink1), "ypos", 480, NULL);	 
		g_print("Can't get mixer sink_1 pad!");

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