ffdec_h264 problem on windows

giorgio9 at libero.it giorgio9 at libero.it
Thu Feb 24 06:10:12 PST 2011

 Hi all,
       I downloaded OSSBuild 0.10.6 using it under windows.
I have in a Linux PC the following pipe

gst-launch -v gstrtpbin  v4l2src ! ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240,
framerate=15/1 ! videorate ! ffmpegcolorspace ! x264enc byte-stream=true 
bitrate=128 ! rtph264pay pt=99 ! udpsink port=5000 host=

In reception I use a java program using java-gstreamer 1.4 in order to decode 
the stream and visualize it in swing videocomponent. In reception the pipe is 

gst-launch udpsrc caps=application/x-rtp,media=video,clock-rate=90000,
name=H264 port=5000 ! rtph264depay ! ffdec_h264 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! 

If I start first the java program and after the send pipe on linux the 
works well although sometimes it crashes saying that there is a problem on 
avcodec. If I start the Linux pipe and after the java program, the video 
fluent and in the console I can see 

0:00:04.671875000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: non-
existing PPS referenced
0:00:04.671875000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: non-
existing PPS 0 referenced
0:00:04.671875000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: 
decode_slice_header error
0:00:04.671875000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: no 
0:00:04.687500000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: non-
existing PPS referenced
0:00:04.687500000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: non-
existing PPS 0 referenced
0:00:04.687500000  3680   033F3030 ERROR                 ffmpeg .:0:: 
decode_slice_header error

The same code instead works well without any problem under Linux, so the 
problem is related to windows OSSBuild library. How I can solve it?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day

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