[gst-devel] Elements in rtspsrc pipeline

Stewart Hardwick hardwick.stewart at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 19 16:19:23 CET 2011

> Also a good trick is to increase the default kernel UDP buffer size.
> The next version of rtspsrc
> will by default set the size much bigger, which helps a lot.

I took a look at the latest plugins_good rtspsrc, and modified mine to

g_object_set (G_OBJECT (stream->udpsrc[0]), "buffer-size",
        (100 * 1024), NULL);

in gst_rtspsrc_stream_configure_udp. However, the debug from
udpsrc still shows a buffer size of 50K (note confusing factor of 2
due to kernel overhead):

udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:784:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> allocating socket
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:795:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> got socket 37
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:797:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> setting reuse 0
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:804:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> binding on port 0
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:873:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> have udp buffer of
106496 bytes
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:906:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> bound, on port 32836
udpsrc gstudpsrc.c:909:gst_udpsrc_start:<udpsrc0> notifying port 32836

I was expecting to see "setting udp buffer of 102400 bytes" somewhere.
Looking at the
udpsrc code, in gst_udpsrc_start it looks like src->buffer_size must
be zero. Possibly the
call in rtspsrc is being made after gst_udpsrc_start has run and set
the buffer size?


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