Antwort: Re: decodebin2 and plugins

Sebastian Dröge sebastian.droege at
Tue Sep 6 05:33:44 PDT 2011

On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 15:44 +0200, Steffen.Roeber at wrote:
> Ok. I did the following: 
> staticgboolean 
> examplefilter_init (GstExampleFilter * examplefilter) 
> { 
>   GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (gst_example_filter_debug,"examplefilter",
> 0, "Template examplefilter"); 
>   returngst_element_register (examplefilter, "examplefilter",
> } 

Look at the docs of gst_element_register() and what the last parameter
should be. You must pass the GType of your new element here. Using

> staticvoidgst_example_filter_base_init (gpointer gclass) 
> { 
>   GstElementClass *element_class = GST_ELEMENT_CLASS (gclass); 
>   gst_element_class_set_details_simple(element_class, 
>     "ExampleFilter", 
>     "Decoder/Video", 
>     "Description", 
>     "Steffen Roeber"); 

Looks good but better use 
which is also used by all other video decoders.

> The _init() functions of my decoder are called. But the
> gst_example_filter_set_capsis not called. I always get a Your
> GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.message. 
> Whcih function should be called at my Plugin at next? I found that the
> gst_riff_create_video_capsfunction returned 0, because it did not find
> my native fourcc code. How is the fourcc transmitted to my plugin and
> how should I check it? 

To have your element be used by decodebin2 it must have the caps of the
stream it should handle in the sinkpad template and you also need to use
this caps in the demuxer. In this case you have to add a mapping between
the fourcc and the caps to libgstriff.
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