Identify a video within a stream

Rossana Guerra guerra.rossana at
Wed Sep 14 21:22:53 PDT 2011

Hello, I am new with GStreamer sorry if I couldn't find any tip according to
my answer or if it's obvious.
I have the following pipeline:

bin // GstBin
   gstController, asociated to the alpha property

Comp // GnlComposition

                --------- gnlOperation (contains the bin described
above)        |--------------queue ------------- sink


The pipeline above solves the transition issue between 2 video streams. The
EOS signals the end of the whole stream, ie, video1 + video2 (asociated with
each gnlsource respectively)

I need to know the real duration of each video, mainly to control issues as
frame losts and the begining time of the next video. Which property or
technique solves this?.
The purposte is to control it to implement a playlist with this pipeline as
a base.

Thank you for any suggestion.

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