ximagesink full screen?
W.A. Garrett Weaver
weaverg at email.arizona.edu
Wed Apr 4 17:43:25 PDT 2012
Do we have to write a C program to call gtk_window_fullscreen()? Is there a
way to do this in the script?
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Stefan Sauer <ensonic at hora-obscura.de>wrote:
> **
> On 04/04/2012 09:58 AM, W.A. Garrett Weaver wrote:
> GStreamer mailing list!
> Is there a way to make ximagesink full screen or at-least larger than the
> source video coming in?
> Sure, it is super simple. Just use e.g. gtkwindow_fullscreen() if you use
> gtk on the window that you configure when using the XOverlay interface.
> Stefan
> I tried manipulating the parameters "window-height" and "window-width" and
> this had no effect.
> I tried to change the size of the video coming in by doing something like
> this
> incomingvideosource ! ffmpegcolorspace !
> 'video/x-raw-yuv,width=1024,height=768' ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink
> But GStreamer didn't like that.
> How can you fullscreen ximagesink?
> --
> *W.A. Garrett Weaver *
> weaverg at email.arizona.edu
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*W.A. Garrett Weaver *
weaverg at email.arizona.edu
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