"Internal data flow error" in rtspsrc element only in certain IP cameras

Bruno Gonzalez stenyak at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 23:15:15 PDT 2012

Sometimes, a TCP H264 video stream to some IP cameras cannot be stablished.
This problematic behaviour happens only with 2 out of the 5 cameras we have
I cannot reproduce the buggy behaviour from other client like VLC (

 == Client system information:
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l
$ uname -a
Linux dubai 3.0.0-16-generic-pae #29-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 14 13:56:31 UTC
2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
$ gst-launch-0.10 --version
gst-launch-0.10 version 0.10.35
GStreamer 0.10.35

 == Steps to reproduce bug:
1) Run these commands:
$ export GST_DEBUG="*:2"
$ while true; do gst-launch rtspsrc location="rtsp://
user:password at"
protocols="tcp" ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink; done
2) Ctrl+C each time you get a working video stream, let it loop and try to
get a new stream again.
3) About 10-15% of the times it will fail to show any video. Console will
show this output:
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ...
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
0:00:00.399456836 29193  0x9df6050 WARN                     bin
gstbin.c:2384:gst_bin_do_latency_func:<pipeline0> failed to query latency
New clock: GstSystemClock
0:00:00.696638170 29193  0x9f7beb0 WARN                 rtspsrc
gstrtspsrc.c:4025:gst_rtspsrc_loop:<rtspsrc0> error: Internal data flow
0:00:00.696708832 29193  0x9f7beb0 WARN                 rtspsrc
gstrtspsrc.c:4025:gst_rtspsrc_loop:<rtspsrc0> error: streaming task paused,
reason not-linked (-1)
ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRTSPSrc:rtspsrc0: Internal
data flow error.
Additional debug info:
gstrtspsrc.c(4025): gst_rtspsrc_loop ():
streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)
Execution ended after 122707578 ns

 == Additional information:
The "failed to query latency" debug message seems to be normal? It happens
with all tested cameras. However the "internal data flow error" and
"streaming task paused" messages are not normal.

A faster way to make the stream fail, is to stablish not 1, but 2 or more
simultaneous streams (and of course, disregarding any 503 errors that may
appear due to camera rejecting additional connections, which can be
reasonable to expect), like this:
$ while true; do gst-launch rtspsrc location="rtsp://
user:password at"
protocols="tcp" ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink  rtspsrc
user:password at"
protocols="tcp" ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink; done

Please let me know if you need more information.

     Bruno González

Jabber: stenyak AT gmail.com
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