Gstreamer - general application guidance please

gtissington gtissington at
Wed Apr 25 22:29:51 PDT 2012

Hi, I'm pretty new to GStreamer but I've been compiling sample application
and playing with various pipelines and elements, etc. so I am somewhat up to

Now I am looking to start the real target of this research my new

I have a large number of incoming rtsp streams (IP Security cameras but this
is not a security application).  I may have between 10 and 30 streams at any
given site.

I need three components:
 1) I need a sort of DVR to to record these h264 streams at > 720p 30fps.
 2) I need to be able to extract clips based on very precise real world
clock times. 
       i.e "From camera a get from 12:10:01.000 to 12: 11:15.050 and store
to output file a.bcd"
 3) I need to be able to assemble these clips into a final video.  sort of a
souvenir compilation
     of clips taken from several cameras.

Due to the limited CPU resources I'm aiming to do this whole process with
only one or two transcoding steps.

- Store streams in their native codec (H264 or MPEG4)
- get clips only at I frame boundaries (is this possible?  So If I take
clips form IFrame to IFrame then transcoding is not required?
- reassemble the clips with something like Gstreamer editing services or AVI
Sythn.  And store to final output file with the same codec as the original
input stream.

So, Here are the questions:
- Please comment: is this a reasonable/doable approach?
- If I have to re-encode the streams during the DVR stage, what would be the
best codec/container in order to let GStreamer Editing Services process
these files later without transcoding.
- Any other general suggestion on the right pipelines / elements to use to
make all this click.

Thanks very much for any help you can offer.

Garth Tissington 

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