Quotidian application

gst gst at quotid.com
Fri Aug 17 15:24:50 PDT 2012

I would like to add Quotidian to the list of applications using 
Gstreamer for media playback.

Quotidian is a 3-d browser for time and events. It runs on some versions 
of Windows, Linux and Mac. You can see some introductory videos at 
quotid.com and download a version of the viewer (free for personal use). 
I welcome everyone to try it. There are already a few examples of 
"timeline" files on the website.

It is still early days, and I apologize in advance for the extra steps 
when downloading the software. We need support for OpenGL and, rather 
than expecting people to know what level their machine supports, you 
first download a program that checks your machine and lets you know if 
you should bother downloading the program that then installs Quotidian.

I want to thank all those who contributed to making GStreamer such a 
useful and flexible tool. The GStreamer-java and OpenGL support was 
particularly valuable to us.

Rob Faught

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