My player requirements and GStreamer

Damián Nohales damiannohales at
Tue Feb 7 17:39:37 PST 2012


I'm developing a desktop application with Python, Gtk+ and GStreamer.
My application only needs to play remote MP3 music files through HTTP.
My problem is that I don't know how to implement some features,
apparently simples:

1) I have a scale widget in the player, where I need to show the current
playing position and the current downloaded amount of data (yeah, like
the YouTube seekbar or any other flash media player). I can do the first
thing (get the current playing position) but I cannot get the current
downloaded data to fill my scale widget.

2) I want that the application can pause the playback but when this
occurs, I want that the download continues.

3) I want instantly seek between the song begin and the current
downloaded position.

4) I'm noticed that GStreamer limits the download to adapt to the
playback (ie download the necessary for playback does not interrupt), I
want that my application performs streaming without speed limits.

Is possible to implement any of the previous features with GStreamer?
How GStreamer implements the streaming through HTTP, discarding the
downloading data, caching it? (seems that the difficulty of implementing
these features is related to this)

Thanks in advance!

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