My player requirements and GStreamer

Stefan Sauer ensonic at
Wed Feb 8 11:21:46 PST 2012

On 02/08/2012 02:39 AM, Damián Nohales wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm developing a desktop application with Python, Gtk+ and GStreamer.
> My application only needs to play remote MP3 music files through HTTP.
> My problem is that I don't know how to implement some features,
> apparently simples:
GstPlayBin2::flags |= GST_PLAY_FLAG_DOWNLOAD
It will then use GstQueue2 which has a couple of properties and signals
to get the status.

> 1) I have a scale widget in the player, where I need to show the current
> playing position and the current downloaded amount of data (yeah, like
> the YouTube seekbar or any other flash media player). I can do the first
> thing (get the current playing position) but I cannot get the current
> downloaded data to fill my scale widget.
> 2) I want that the application can pause the playback but when this
> occurs, I want that the download continues.
> 3) I want instantly seek between the song begin and the current
> downloaded position.
> 4) I'm noticed that GStreamer limits the download to adapt to the
> playback (ie download the necessary for playback does not interrupt), I
> want that my application performs streaming without speed limits.
> Is possible to implement any of the previous features with GStreamer?
> How GStreamer implements the streaming through HTTP, discarding the
> downloading data, caching it? (seems that the difficulty of implementing
> these features is related to this)
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards!
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