My player requirements and GStreamer

Damián Nohales damiannohales at
Wed Feb 8 13:08:10 PST 2012

>> Do you know if the flag GST_PLAY_FLAG_DOWNLOAD is available on the
>> Python binding? I've tried gst.PLAY_FLAG_DOWNLOAD but does not work,
>> notice that I'm using the python-gst0.10 package instead of GIR.
> You need to use the hex/decimal values from gst-inspect-0.10 playbin2.
> Plugins don't export any public API of their own, including such enums.
> Cheers 
>  -Tim

Well, I'm tried to do that a print the "flags" property and seemingly
the flag is setted right. But no Queue2 is created in the Playbin2, I'm
tried to add a Queue2 manually to the Playbin2, but the property that
stores what I'm looking for is always in 0, in other words, does not
works. I'm also tried to link the Queue2 element to any other element in
the Playbin2, but errors raised with every elements.

Is this related to the file format or I'm doing something wrong?


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