ffdec_h264 failure

Andrey Nechypurenko andreynech at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 20 14:33:04 PST 2012

>> Might anyone know what is going on above?
> Most likely the SPS/PPS is missing, which is kind of expected, you
> need an rtp payloader, and in the case of h264, there's an option to
> configure the configuration interval, which is the rate at which
> SPS/PPS are resent.

The following pipelines works fine for me with N900 as server and
notebook with Debian as client.

gst-launch v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video0 ! dsph264enc ! rtph264pay !
udpsink host= port=5000

gst-launch -v gstrtpbin name=rtpbin \
    udpsrc caps="application/x-rtp,media=(string)video,clock-rate=(int)90000,encoding-name=(string)H264"
            port=5000 ! rtpbin.recv_rtp_sink_0 \
        rtpbin. ! rtph264depay ! ffdec_h264 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink

Where was the IP address of the client. I think it
should be possible to use some multicast address instead but did not
try it myself yet.

Hope it helps,

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