Seeking forward is not working

Rossana Guerra guerra.rossana at
Sat Feb 25 15:26:57 PST 2012

Hi Tim and everyone, I read in the mailing list that before seeeking is
necessary for waiting for the pipeline to preroll, since the pipeline
changes its state asynchronically.
I use the "get_bus_timed_pop_filtered" function before doing the event
seeking as the code below shows.
Now it works as expected.

Is there a better manner to do this? In the seeking examples I saw this
function is barely mentioned, of the contrary seeking event is almost a
fashion template procedure.

I appreciate any concepts to clarify this issue. Thanks so much.


// handler error routine EOS, ERROR, etc

// global variable definitions

gint main (gint argc, char *argv[])
    GMainLoop *loop = 0;
    GstBus *bus = 0;

    /* set up */
    gst_init (&argc, &argv);

    loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
    play = gst_element_factory_make ("playbin2", "play");

    bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (play));
    gst_bus_add_watch (bus, bus_call, loop);
    gst_object_unref (bus);

    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (play), "uri",playlist[0], NULL);
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (play), "suburi",playsubt[0], NULL);

    gst_element_set_state (play, GST_STATE_PLAYING);

    GstMessage *msg2 = 0;

    msg2 = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered (GST_ELEMENT_BUS (play),

     return 0;

   gst_message_unref (msg2);

    if (!gst_element_seek (GST_ELEMENT(play), 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME,
                        GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, 15*GST_SECOND,
                         GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)) {
        g_print ("Seek failed!\n");}
        g_print ("Seek OK!\n");

    /* now run */
    g_main_loop_run (loop);

    /* also clean up */
    gst_element_set_state (play, GST_STATE_NULL);
    gst_object_unref (GST_OBJECT (play));

    return 0;

2012/2/25 Rossana Guerra <guerra.rossana at>

> Hi Tim, the seeking is not working, according to the code it is expected
> it reaches the position that corresponds to the 15 seconds of video and it
> doesn't. It begins to play from the begining as if no seeking wasn't
> applied.
> According to this code, the seeking it's done (it prints "seek OK")
> // gst int and so on
> //here I create the pipeline and I attach the callback event
> gst_element_set_state (play, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
>     gst_element_set_state (play, GST_STATE_PAUSED);
>     if (!gst_element_seek (GST_ELEMENT(play), 1.0, GST_FORMAT_TIME,
>                         GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, 15*GST_SECOND,
>                          GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE)) {
>         g_print ("Seek failed!\n");}
>     else
>         g_print ("Seek OK!\n")
> Thanks, cheers
> Rossana
> 2012/2/25 Tim-Philipp Müller <t.i.m at>
>> On Sat, 2012-02-25 at 05:08 -0200, Rossana Guerra wrote:
>> > I need it to do a seek at the start of the 'player'.
>> > This is the code, according to the message, the seek is done, but not
>> > in the place it should be. I want it to start at 15 seconds from its
>> > begining
>> >
>> > ....
>> >         g_print ("Seek OK!\n");  // it seems it does the seek, but it
>> > doesn't it plays the video from the begining.
>> >
>> > What is wrong?, I see these line in many examples.
>> What is it that actually happens insteaad then? It's not quite clear to
>> me how it fails.
>>  Cheers
>>  -Tim
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