problem with muxing mp4

Hossam Khankan hossam6006 at
Sat Jun 9 11:38:16 PDT 2012

Hi all,
I'm trying to receive RTSP stream (produced by vlc) and mux it into mp4
Here's my pipeline:
gst-launch -e rtspsrc name=src location=rtsp:// !
rtph264depay ! h264parse ! mux. src. ! rtpmp4gdepay ! aacparse ! mux. mp4mux
name=mux ! filesink location=/home/sol/Desktop/test.mp4
but this produces a file that takes up space but doesn't play and I get
player error message: "This file contains no playable streams."
I got the same problem when using ffmux_mp4, but It works when I using

I need mp4 not mkv, to be able to use it with html5 video tag.

what is the problem ?!
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