help with definition of "gst_object_get_type()"

jojo rjiejie at
Wed Jun 27 03:54:05 PDT 2012

Hi, all,
	gstreamer : 0.10.36
	gst-plugins-base: 0.10.16
	gst-plugins-good: 0.10.31
according to the source code above, i just find the macro template as bellow, and i can not find anything to define the "gst_object_get_type()",
someone know about where does the api is defined ? 
thanks .

#define GST_BOILERPLATE_FULL(type, type_as_function, parent_type, parent_type_macro, additional_initializations)	\
static void type_as_function ## _base_init     (gpointer      g_class);	\
static void type_as_function ## _class_init    (type ## Class *g_class);\
static void type_as_function ## _init	       (type          *object,	\
                                                type ## Class *g_class);\
static parent_type ## Class *parent_class = NULL;			\
static void								\
type_as_function ## _class_init_trampoline (gpointer g_class)		\
{									\
  parent_class = (parent_type ## Class *)				\
      g_type_class_peek_parent (g_class);				\
  type_as_function ## _class_init ((type ## Class *)g_class);		\
}									\
GType									\
type_as_function ## _get_type (void)					\
{									\
  /* The typedef for GType may be gulong or gsize, depending on the	\
   * system and whether the compiler is c++ or not. The g_once_init_*	\
   * functions always take a gsize * though ... */			\
  static volatile gsize gonce_data = 0;					\
  if (g_once_init_enter (&gonce_data)) {				\
    GType _type;							\
    _type = gst_type_register_static_full (parent_type_macro,           \
        g_intern_static_string (#type),					\
	sizeof (type ## Class),						\
        type_as_function ## _base_init,					\
        NULL,		  /* base_finalize */				\
        (GClassInitFunc) type_as_function ## _class_init_trampoline,    \
        NULL,		  /* class_finalize */				\
        NULL,               /* class_data */				\
        sizeof (type),							\
        0,                  /* n_preallocs */				\
        (GInstanceInitFunc) type_as_function ## _init,                  \
        NULL,                                                           \
        (GTypeFlags) 0);				                \
    additional_initializations (_type);				        \
    g_once_init_leave (&gonce_data, (gsize) _type);			\
  }									\
  return (GType) gonce_data;						\


-- jojo

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