Probing for caps change

Tim-Philipp Müller t.i.m at
Sat Jan 5 07:47:50 PST 2013

On Sat, 2013-01-05 at 15:34 +0000, Nox Deleo wrote:

> ...didn't seem to make a difference. It's an intermittent
> some race condition that's stopping samples being sent. I put a print
> statement in every time I send a buffer, and sometimes they just stop
> when I'm setting caps alongside, but not if I do it through the event
> probe. Debugging doesn't seem to show anything useful. Maybe doing
> this asynchronously through signals in Python is just asking for
> trouble. Here's the source: Appreciate
> the help.

For what it's worth, GObject signals are always synchronous (the
callback function is called directly from the thread that emits the

Check if sync=false on the sink of the second pipeline makes a
difference (or check the debug log for the sinks to see if anything
unusual is happening).


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