gst-streaming-server stalls

David Schleef ds at
Thu Jan 10 13:46:49 PST 2013

On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 09:53:28AM -0700, Gary Thomas wrote:
> I'm trying to run the gst-streaming-server, using one of the
> sample streaming sources provided with that package.  It sort
> of works, but the stream(s) are erratic and often just stop for
> long periods of time.  The stream has a time overlay and what
> I see is the timer stop and then when the video starts playing
> again, the timer carries on just where it left off. For example,
> it might pause at time 05.07 sec and wait 60 seconds before
> playing anything else and when it does, the timer continues
> right at 05.07 seconds and counting.  However, I can see HTTP
> traffic between my web browser and the server even when the
> video is stalled, so I'm really confused!
> I also get very different displays depending on the browser.
> FireFox (17.0.1) seems to stall less frequently, but it doesn't
> even show the timer overlay (that one really stumps me).  Google
> Chrome (20.0.1132.47 Ubuntu 12.04 (144678)) stalls a lot but
> does show the timer.

These sound like problems in the client playback.  It is good to
also verify with Totem and VLC, as they have more robust and mature
playback engines.

The pipeline you listed is just the push-icecast-webm script, which
is frequently tested and is known to work.


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