error while Using Gstreamer0.10 on slackware11

Mohammad Etemaddar mohammad.etemaddar at
Tue Jun 4 04:55:44 PDT 2013

I want to make an mp3 ARP stream using gstreamer. I have done this
successfully using gstreamer and ugly plugin in Ubuntu.

But at main I need to make ARP stream from slackware11, in order to do
this, I downloaded the gstreamer0.10.19 , built and installed it.
then installed gst-plugins-base-0.10.19 and then installed

the file which is at the server point is:
gst-launch filesrc location=/Yas.mp3 ! mad ! audioconvert !
audio/x-raw-int,channels=1,depth=16,width=16, rate=44100 ! rtpL16pay  !
udpsink host= port=5000

But, when I run this on slackware I got the error:
/usr/local/bin/gst-launch-0.10: symbol lookup error:
/usr/local/lib/ symbol:
Something about building:
At first I installed latest of gstreamer 0.9, gst-plugins-base 0.9 and
gst-plugins-ugly 0.9 and needed to install liboil0.3-0.3.17-1 and installed
it too.

at second I tried to install gstreamer0.10.36 but In ./configure step I got
warning and the makefile did not made.

So I tried earlier version 0.10.19
in order to install them they needed package glib>= 2.2 and I installed 2.28

when I tried to install all of the packages I forgot to set the
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig and I got lots of error,

and again I exported this variable and reconfigure and remade the three
gstreamer packages again.

and at last I got the error which I said above.

one another thing:
I did not export the path variable before installing 0.9 ones and I just
got the error:
no element "mad"

I will be wondering if I get your help,

Mohammad Etemaddar
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