gstreamer video playback , cannot play

aero tomaeroboy at
Mon Mar 11 19:06:21 PDT 2013

Thanks Stefan for your reply.
I actually figured out that i do not understand how the elements needs to be
My question is how to know the proper elements to be connected when you want
to play audio or video.
starting from Demux to Sink elements.I can understand some elements like
demuxer, decoder,converter but what about filesrc,fakesrc,fakesink,
videotestsrc. I have seen the documentation it just says when i use
gst_element_factory_make(factory,name) , it creates the element of that
type. what is the meaning of each and how to understand its property and
what are the various ways we can use those.

in brief my question is what are the elements required to play an audio and
video. how to connect them.
if elements depends on format of the flie (ogg,mp3,avi etc)  how to know
what  to use for what type.

i just want to get some basic idea of properties of elements before i do any

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