dvbsrc status (and hints)

Luca Santini luca.santini at spesonline.com
Tue Mar 19 09:40:37 PDT 2013

hi everyone,

i would like to use a gstreamer pipeline to watch dvb-t television, but 
i'm in trouble in filtering desidered channel (using dvbsrc pids=) into 
the captured stream.
Trying some frequencies, without setting pids, sometimes i'm able to see 
a random channel into the stream... but i never been able to isolate the 
desired one!
I also discovered the gnome-DVBDaemon project, with it's totem plugin, 
but neither using it i'm able to successfully watch tv.

So the question is: is there any known limit in current gstreamer dvbsrc 
or tsdemux elements?
Anybody can give me an hint?


p.s: my test pipeline is something like this:

gst-launch-1.0 dvbsrc frequency=482000000 pids=4113:4114 bandwidth=8 
code-rate-lp=AUTO code-rate-hp=1/2 guard=4  hierarchy=0 modulation="QAM 
64" trans-mode=8k inversion=AUTO ! tsdemux  ! xvimagesink

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