Creating rtsp server from pipeline not using gst-rtsp-server library

yoyosuper8 yoyosuper8 at
Thu Nov 7 05:25:33 PST 2013

Here is what I'm trying to do: I have an android app that as soon as it is
launched, it launches a pipeline and the pipeline is
gst_launch_parse("videotestsrc !
video/x-raw,width=320,height=240,framerate=30/1 ! x264enc ! h264parse !
amcviddec-omxgoogleh264decoder ! eglglessink name=videosink").
so the user sees the pipeline content on a surfaceview in android, which is
the videotestsrc.

I'd like to add the capabilities of recording to a file and rtsp streaming
by the push of a button. So if the user pushes on the "Record" button in the
android app, then it immediately starts recording until you hit "Stop
recording" button. Same idea applies to the rtsp server.

I just thought that using one pipeline and linking and unlinking elements
would be the way to go. For example, my thought was if I use tee I can link
and unlink elements based on what the user has requested all in the same
pipeline. Instead of launching multiple pipelines.

What are your thoughts?

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