iOS: AURemoteIO at 0x31ab420: IOThread exiting with error 0x10004006

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Sat Nov 9 09:49:01 PST 2013

On Sa, 2013-11-09 at 18:34 +0100, Elio Francesconi wrote:
> I’m doing some tests and I noticed:
> 0:00:12.059877000 [332m 1123[00m  0x33825b8 [37mDEBUG  [00m [00m            osxaudio gstosxaudioringbuffer.c:228:gst_osx_audio_ring_buffer_acquire:<osxaudioringbuffer0>[00m Format: FormatID: mcpl rate: 8000.000000 flags: 0xc BytesPerPacket: 8 FramesPerPacket: 1 BytesPerFrame: 8 ChannelsPerFrame: 2 BitsPerChannel: 32
> 0:00:12.060012000 [332m 1123[00m  0x33825b8 [37mDEBUG  [00m [00m            osxaudio gstosxcoreaudio.c:
> 150:gst_core_audio_initialize:<GstCoreAudio at 0x3490ce0>[00m Initializing: passthrough:0 caps:audio/x-raw, format=(string)S32LE, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)8000, channels=(int)2
> But the client expects:
> format=(string)S16LE channels=(int)1
> Could it be the issue?

Well, you have an audioconvert element that will convert the raw audio
to whatever is necessary. But what could be the problem is that the iOS
audio APIs or your device don't support S32LE or two channels (or that
samplerate). You could try different things with a capsfilter after

Sebastian Dröge <sebastian at>
Centricular Ltd -
Expertise, Straight from the Source
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