Seeking a pipeline with live streams

Andrei Melnikov andy.melnikov at
Fri Oct 25 11:44:09 CEST 2013


I have a videomixer mixing a live stream and a pre-recorded stream:

  filesrc location=foo.flv
! decodebin
! videoconvert
! videomixer name=mixer
! videoconvert
! xvimagesink

! video/x-raw,width=640
! videoconvert
! mixer.

I load the pipeline using gst_parse_launch(), set it to PLAYING and seek by
passing the pipeline bin to gst_element_seek_simple(). The code works fine
with simple pipelines playing a file, but the pipeline above refuses to
seek. It sort of seeks, but with glitches and gst_element_seek_simple()
returns FALSE.

My question is: what is the correct way of seeking in foo.flv in the
pipeline above? I think of unlinking the live pad from the mixer before
seeking. Will that work? What is the recommended solution?

I'd like seeking to be as gapless as possible, but gaplessness is not a

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