Compilation issues with gst-plugins-good

Manish Gurnaney manishgurnaney at
Sun Dec 7 22:00:42 PST 2014

Hi All,
         I am new to gstreamer , I am compiling gst-plugin-good on IOS. I
am using MacBook Air. Following are the steps I am following :-

   1. run
   2. make

On compiling certain amount of files i am getting an error as follows ,

*This program built for i386-apple-darwin11.3.0*

*Reading makefiles...*

*Updating goal targets....*

* File `all' does not exist.*

*   File `all-am' does not exist.*

*     File ` <>' does not exist.*

*       File `elements/libparser_la-parser.lo' does not exist.*

*         File `elements/.dirstamp' does not exist.*

*        Must remake target `elements/.dirstamp'.*

Please help me out in this.


Manish R Gurnaney
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