GstCollectPads-related freeze in pads mgmt

Andrey Utkin andrey.krieger.utkin at
Sat Jan 11 05:12:02 PST 2014

2014/1/11 Sebastian Dröge <sebastian at>:
> Can you provide a simple testcase that simulates your application?

The situation described in starting post can be used as testcase, with
a change given in first line (set "gboolean
release_sinkpads = FALSE;").
For anything posted by me below, like "I am not sure about reasons,
but sometimes above doesn't work either..." unfortunately i am not
able to provide testcase, although i have tried to make it.

> Basically what you have is a pipeline where you have a single muxer and
> try to replace the upstreams of this muxer but reuse the muxer sinkpads?

Yes, this is precise concept of the sketch in my starting post.

> Or am I talking about something different? :) If that's the case I could
> tell you how it is supposed to work, otherwise please provide a testcase
> or describe your pipeline setup again.

Yes, please tell how it is supposed to work.

Andrey Utkin

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