issue in streaming to adobe FMS using rtmp...

Madhavan Narayanan madhavn at
Fri Jan 17 04:33:23 PST 2014


  We are using gstreamer-0.10 in our project and are using a pipeline like the following to transcode a file and stream it to adobe FMS over rtmp.

gst-launch --gst-debug=2 filesrc location="" ! decodebin name=decoder  decoder. ! progressreport ! queue ! x264enc speed-preset=1 tune=zero-latency !   flvmux streamable=true name=mux  ! queue ! rtmpsink location="rtmp://localhost/livepkgr/abc34livestream?adbe-live-event=abc34event" decoder. ! queue ! audioconvert  ! faac     ! audio/mpeg,mpegversion=4,stream-format=raw  !  mux.

  Adobe FMS is running on the same server where this pipeline runs and is able to receive the stream and package into f4f content. However we see that it misses the initial fragment and loses the initial video for about 5 seconds. The rest of the stream is fine. Output from adobe's f4fpackager is shown below.
version: 1
is update: false
is live: true
movie id:
timescale: 1000
current media time: 11791
smpte timecode offset: 0
segment run table:
is update: false
segment = 1, fragments = 1
fragment run table:
is update: false
fragment = 2, timestamp = 5905, duration = 5900

   When we checked adobe's logs, we see the following warning message
Warning from [Utils] [abc34livestream] Will keep discarding all Media Messages untill we get first Video Keyframe Message

   So, it appears that the gstreamer pipeline is not sending the initial video keyframe message. Interestingly, the same pipeline works sometimes (with the same input file). Seems to be a timing sensitive issue, but we are not able to figure where. Has anyone seen this problem?  We tried setting the key-int-max property of 'x264enc' to different values, but that didn't help.

   Will sincerely appreciate any help/pointers.

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