h264 byte-stream data with sps+pps to mastroskamux

stic at free.fr stic at free.fr
Sun May 11 03:44:39 PDT 2014


I am trying to send h264 byte-stream data (produced by appsrc element) to matroska muxer.
I also send with each frame the sps and pps buffers in the case caps are changing.
But this causes the following error with matroska:
matroska-mux.c:3211:gst_matroska_mux_write_data:<matroskamux0:video_0> Invalid buffer timestamp; dropping buffer

It works if I don't send sps/pps with each frame but I think I need it because I want to be able to display the video even if the caps are changing ...
And this works (with sps/pps on each frame) when sending everything on another pipeline to rtph264pay.

Here an example of pipeline I am using:
appsrc is-live=true do-timestamp=true min-latency=0 max-latency=10000000 name=vsource ! video/x-h264,framerate=30/1 ! queue ! h264parse ! matroskamux streamable=true ! tcpserversink...

Thanks a lot for any help !

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