Deploying an application with a trimmed version of GStreamer?

Andoni Morales ylatuya at
Fri May 23 06:19:58 PDT 2014

2014-05-22 14:11 GMT+02:00 Lasse Laursen <gazoo at>:

>  Currently I'm just targeting my development platform - Windows, and I
> just currently use Gstreamer mainly to read and decode the webm format
> which... I believe is open?
> Is there a good way to trim down Gstreamer other than applying
> logic/deleting stuff and see what suddenly no longer works?

With a use case like your where you support a single format and your
pipeline does not change, you can easily dump your pipeline to a dot file,
extract the list of elements you are using and with the Depedency Walker
list the libraries you need, for the gstreamer plugins you have loaded. A
faster way would be to attach your process to a debugger and list the share
libraries being loaded (I don't know any equivalent to lsoft for windows).


On 22-05-2014 17:50, Sebastian Dröge wrote:

> On Do, 2014-05-22 at 17:33 +0900, Lasse Laursen wrote:
>  Hello,
> Having successfully gotten my application to run on my second test
> machine with Gstreamer, I'm beginning to ponder the ramifications of
> possibly distributing an application publicly.
> As I understand it GStreamer is LGPL with some proprietary plug-ins. I
> initially considered statically linking with Gstreamer until I found out
> that that legally this would either require me to...
> a. Also release my code under the LGPL, or...
> b. Provide users with means to re-link with other LGPL code.
> Not too keen on 'a' for now, and 'b' sounds like it'd be a lot of work.
> So looking at still dynamically linking with Gstreamer, has anyone got
> any tips for perhaps 'trimming' down the Gstreamer package to just the
> parts that are actually in use? Is this legal?
>  Sure, you can just omit all the plugins and libraries (and their
> dependencies) you don't need and this will already decrease the size a
> lot depending on what your application needs to do. You will need to
> provide any changes you do to the LGPL code as source code though.
> Which platform(s) are you targetting?
> For the static linking... you can do that, and b) is done by some
> companies already. Basically you'll have to provide the .o files for
> your application and then a script or something to link those together
> with GStreamer to a final application.
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> --
> Lasse Farnung Laursen
> Post.doc at the University of Tokyo
> FB: lasse.laursen <>
> Twitter: @YouTouchTheDJ <>
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Andoni Morales Alastruey

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