sparse audio stream and GAP event

Wonchul Lee wonchul86.lee at
Tue Oct 21 17:33:35 PDT 2014


I meet some contents what audio stream is missing at the last part of it.
As you know, If I do seek to missing stream position, audio sink never go to preroll status.
It means pipeline can not go to PAUSED and PLAYING states because audio sink can not get any buffer.

I understand the GAP event is for handling these missing part of the streams.
In addition, some of the core and base plugins are already implemented about GAP event.

Thus It seems that every demux has a role of detecting the gap in the stream and create the event, although it has not been implemented yet.
I just want to know what my thought about it is correct or if you has a general idea for it please let me know.

Wonchul Lee

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