C# Bindings: Initializing GStreamer

Ralph ralph.gucwa at racelogic.co.uk
Wed Oct 22 01:41:26 PDT 2014

I'm using GStreamer 1.4.3 with C# Bindings on Windows.

I found that there are two similarly named methods: *Gst.Init()* and
*Gst.Initialize()*.  What's the difference between them?

Anyway I have a problem with passing arguments to GStreamer.  There are two
overloads: *Gst.Init()* and *Gst.Init(ref string[] argv)*.  While the first
works reliably, the second throws AccessViolationException "Attempted to
read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other
memory is corrupt.".
I need the second overload to pass the "--enable-gst-debug=yes" argument to
enable debugging.
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Is there any other method to enable debugging?

View this message in context: http://gstreamer-devel.966125.n4.nabble.com/C-Bindings-Initializing-GStreamer-tp4669123.html
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