BUG with queue element ?

Prabhakar Lad prabhakar.csengg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 02:28:37 PDT 2014


I have the following pipeline,
 gst_element_link_many (videosrc, q1, rlvideoqueue, rlvvalve, q3,
videoparse, videoqueue, mux, filesink, NULL);
  gst_element_link_many (audiosrc, q2, rlaudioqueue, rlavalve, q4,
audioparse, audioqueue, mux, NULL);

where rlvideoqueue, rlaudioqueue is a queue element and rlvvalve,
rlavalve is a valve,

Initially the valve's drop value is set to TRUE and  rlvideoqueue,
rlaudioqueue is set to hold buffers for 15 seconds. as soon as there
is a event the valve's drop value is set to FALSE.

but it never writes to the filesink the data is just accumulated in
the queue. IF and only if min-threshold-time is set to 0 then only it
passes data to next element.


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