RTSP Audio / Video falls out of sync

Gordon Nickel gordon.nickel at downstream.com
Fri Apr 10 11:25:51 PDT 2015


I have an RTSP pipeline in C++ to an openGL app using appsink on Windows, GStreamer 1.4.5. The stream is coming from a  Matrox Monarch H.264 streaming device (which uses a Gstreamer RTSP server as far as I can tell) that delivers audio and video. Everything starts in sync, but over time the audio gets further and further behind. It takes about 10 minutes or so for it to be noticeable. Restarting the stream restores the sync, so I don't believe it's the Matrox device sending out-of-sync packets. Here's the pipeline I'm using:

rtspsrc location=rtsp:// latency=2000 name=demux demux. ! queue ! application/x-rtp ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! video/x-raw, format=(string)RGB, width=1920, height=1080 ! appsink name=appsink0 sync=true async=true qos=true max-buffers=1 drop=true max-lateness=10000000 demux. ! decodebin ! volume volume=0.5 name=volume0 ! autoaudiosink qos=true sync=true

Any tips on how to proceed?

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