videomixer with videotestsrc and udpsrc

Tim Müller tim at
Thu Apr 30 12:15:38 PDT 2015

On Thu, 2015-04-30 at 10:06 +0200, Sérgio Agostinho wrote:

> Might be worth looking at the compositor element (as a replacement for
> the videomixer) which is now in git master. I think I read somewhere
> that it is supposed to replace the videomixer in the future. 
> If someone could explain the differences between the compositor and
> videomixer it would be great. Just from the description I cannot
> understand between both. 

One of the key differences is that compositor is designed to work
properly with live input (such as from udpsrc). If you have multiple
inputs and one of them doesn't produce data (e.g. because of signal loss
or packet loss), it can still continue to output something instead of
waiting forever.

There are many other differences as well, like handling re-negotiation
of inputs better, it can convert and scale inputs on the fly if needed.


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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