Ultrasound and audiotestsrc

Christian Leichsenring cleichsenring at techfak.uni-bielefeld.de
Fri Aug 28 02:41:50 PDT 2015

Is there a reason why the frequency argument of audiotestsrc is capped
at 20 kHz? I want to generate a signal that lies well and surely beyond
the capacity of human hearing and while *I* most definitely can't hear
20 kHz anymore, I don't want to drive any visiting babies nuts that
might be around every now and then.

My sound card is currently set to a sample rate of 48 kHz allowing for
24 kHz as the maximum audio frequency and I could in theory crank it up
to 192 kHz so there's really no reason on the digital side why I
shouldn't be able to go nuts with the frequency generator. Or is there?

Many thanks in advance,


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