Debug the Native Code
Luis de Bethencourt
luis at
Mon Jan 5 06:54:52 PST 2015
Looks like an issue in Eclipse or the project files, and not in the
tutorial code or GStreamer. Since it runs fine after closing-reopening. Not
ideal but
Unfortunately I have very little experience with Eclipse and I can't help
on that side of things. I suggest you also ask in an Eclipse related
mailing list.
I hope you are enjoying the tutorials and learning a lot :)
On 5 January 2015 at 11:29, pankaj bansal <pankaj.bansal.jiit at>
> Hi Luis
> Thanks for the reply
> >>Could you give us some more context?
> >>Which Tutorial are you getting the code from? Have a link? Just to
> confirm.
> I am trying to run Tutorial 5. I cloned the tutorials from this link given
> by Sebastian
> >>How are you building the code? Which platform, environment? You only say
> eclipse.
> I am building the code according to the instructions given by Alejandro
> Vázquez <>
> -Gstreamer autobuild when you run some of the tutorials
> -The first thing to do is try to compile any of the tutorials.
> Step:
> 1- Dowload NDK r9 (the latter does not work with GStreamer).
> 2- Configure eclipse (Windows/preference/android/ndk)
> 3-Import the tutorials (GStreamerSDK/share/gst-sdk)
> 4-define GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID (your path GStreamerSDK)
> 5-Convert to C/c++ Project (Select the project->New->C/C++->Convert to
> C/C++. Makefile project--Android GCC)
> 6-Compile and run.
> >>The code fails to build the first time but builds fine if you close and
> reopen the project?
> By this I mean, if I open the tutorial-5.c, then it shows error in the
> file. So the code will build fine, but it wont run. It shows "Your Project
> Contains error(s), please fix them before running your application"
> If I close the project and the reopen it and then try to run it, it runs
> fine. I am attaching 2 screenshots which clarify what I said more. PS I run
> the tutorial as Android Application not as Android Native Application as
> the option does not show when I right click on the project
> Please let me know if you need some more explanation
> Regards
> Pankaj Bansal
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Luis de Bethencourt <
> luis at> wrote:
>> On 5 January 2015 at 10:00, pankaj bansal <pankaj.bansal.jiit at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am trying to debug the native code in Tutorial - 5, but not able to do
>>> that. I have build the code and it runs fine. But when I open tutorial-5.c,
>>> it shows error everywhere in file. Then When I try to run the application
>>> it shows
>>> [2015-01-05 15:08:08 - Tutorial5] Your project contains error(s), please
>>> fix them before running your application.
>>> Now if I close the project in eclipse and reopen it, then run the
>>> tutorial, it will run fine. So basically it gives error in Native code and
>>> does not run When native files are open.
>>> How do I debug the Native code ?
>>> Regards
>>> Pankaj Bansal
>> Hello Pankaj,
>> Could you give us some more context?
>> Which Tutorial are you getting the code from? Have a link? Just to
>> confirm.
>> How are you building the code? Which platform, environment? You only say
>> eclipse.
>> The code fails to build the first time but builds fine if you close and
>> reopen the project?
>> Thanks,
>> Luis
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