Debug the Native Code

pankaj bansal pankaj.bansal.jiit at
Mon Jan 5 03:29:13 PST 2015

Hi Luis

Thanks for the reply

>>Could you give us some more context?
>>Which Tutorial are you getting the code from? Have a link? Just to
I am trying to run Tutorial 5. I cloned the tutorials from this link given
by Sebastian

>>How are you building the code? Which platform, environment? You only say
I am building the code according to the instructions given by  Alejandro
Vázquez <>
-Gstreamer  autobuild when you run some of the tutorials
-The first thing to do is try to compile any of the tutorials.
1- Dowload NDK r9 (the latter does not work with GStreamer).
2- Configure eclipse (Windows/preference/android/ndk)
3-Import the tutorials (GStreamerSDK/share/gst-sdk)
4-define GSTREAMER_ROOT_ANDROID (your path GStreamerSDK)
5-Convert to C/c++ Project (Select the project->New->C/C++->Convert to
C/C++. Makefile project--Android GCC)
6-Compile and run.

>>The code fails to build the first time but builds fine if you close and
reopen the project?
By this I mean, if I open the tutorial-5.c, then it shows error in the
file. So the code will build fine, but it wont run. It shows "Your Project
Contains error(s), please fix them before running your application"
If I close the project and the reopen it and then try to run it, it runs
fine. I am attaching 2 screenshots which clarify what I said more. PS I run
the tutorial as Android Application not as Android Native Application as
the option does not show when I right click on the project

Please let me know if you need some more explanation

Pankaj Bansal

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Luis de Bethencourt <luis at>

> On 5 January 2015 at 10:00, pankaj bansal <pankaj.bansal.jiit at>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to debug the native code in Tutorial - 5, but not able to do
>> that. I have build the code and it runs fine. But when I open tutorial-5.c,
>> it shows error everywhere in file. Then When I try to run the application
>> it shows
>> [2015-01-05 15:08:08 - Tutorial5] Your project contains error(s), please
>> fix them before running your application.
>> Now if I close the project in eclipse and reopen it, then run the
>> tutorial, it will run fine. So basically it gives error in Native code and
>> does not run When native files are open.
>> How do I debug the Native code ?
>> Regards
>> Pankaj Bansal
> Hello Pankaj,
> Could you give us some more context?
> Which Tutorial are you getting the code from? Have a link? Just to confirm.
> How are you building the code? Which platform, environment? You only say
> eclipse.
> The code fails to build the first time but builds fine if you close and
> reopen the project?
> Thanks,
> Luis
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