Gstreamer-Sharp - Use Cairo Overlay
Agarwal, Piyush - 0446 - MITLL
Piyush.Agarwal at
Tue Jan 13 09:55:48 PST 2015
Actually turns out I am having two separate issues here
Interestingly the ³overlay" element never seems to be doing anything
regardless of what video filter I am using. For example just as a test I
changed it to a videoflip filter with method=clockwise and that doesn¹t
seem to be happening either.
sourceElement = ElementFactory.Make("filesrc", "source" +
decodeElement = ElementFactory.Make("decodebin", "decoder" +
convertElement = ElementFactory.Make("videoconvert", "convert" +
overlayElement = ElementFactory.Make("videoflip", "overlay" +
queueElement = ElementFactory.Make("queue", "queue" + playerId);
if (overlayElement != null)
overlayElement["method"] = "clockwise";
pipeline = new Pipeline("pipeline" + playerId);
sourceElement["location"] = videoUri;
decodeElement.PadAdded += decodeElement_PadAdded; // connect the
convertElement to decodeElement once its ready
pipeline.Bus.SyncMessage += Bus_SyncMessageHandler;
pipeline.Bus.Message += Bus_MessageHandler;
pipeline.Add(sourceElement, decodeElement, convertElement,
overlayElement, queueElement, sinkElement);
Element.Link(sourceElement, decodeElement);
isPlaying = false;
private static void decodeElement_PadAdded(object o, PadAddedArgs args)
Console.WriteLine("Decode element, pad added.");
PadLinkReturn padReturn =
bool linked = convertElement.Link(overlayElement);
bool linked2 = overlayElement.Link(queueElement);
bool linked3 = queueElement.Link(sinkElement);
Oddly enough if I construct the same pipeline using Gst.Parse it works, so
clearly I must be missing something in how I am manually creating the
Pipeline pipeline = Parse.Launch("filesrc location=\²<path to videofile>" !
decodebin ! videoconvert ! videoflip method=clockwise ! queue !
autovideosink") as Pipeline;
^ this pipeline works was expected.
Now back to the cairooverlay issue. If I use the Parsed pipeline with the
cairooverlay and iterate over the pipeline elements I can discover the cairo
overlay element and connect to its Draw function. The problem I am having if
I do that is that my glib-sharp.dll gives me an error Unknown type
CairoContext. My glib-sharp is built off off the gtk-sharp-master git repo.
I thought that CairoContext was part of Mono.Cairo and I have also included
cairo-sharp.dll in my project. So I¹m not sure how to solve this issue. Is
there something better to use for Drawing on top of video frame rather than
the CairoOverlay element?
From: <Agarwal>, Piyush Agarwal <piyush.agarwal at>
Reply-To: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer
<gstreamer-devel at>
Date: Monday, January 12, 2015 at 5:15 PM
To: Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer
<gstreamer-devel at>
Subject: Gstreamer-Sharp - Use Cairo Overlay
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to use the cairooverlay element in a Gstreamer-sharp application
and unfortunately the draw/caps-changed signals are not being called. Just
wanted to double check and make sure I was setting up the element properly:
sourceElement = ElementFactory.Make("filesrc", "source" +
decodeElement = ElementFactory.Make("decodebin", "decoder" +
convertElement = ElementFactory.Make("videoconvert", "convert" +
overlayElement = ElementFactory.Make("cairooverlay", "overlay" +
queueElement = ElementFactory.Make("queue", "queue" + playerId);
if (overlayElement != null)
overlayElement.Connect("draw", DrawOverlay);
overlayElement.Connect("caps-changed", PrepareOverlay);
// other stuff here for initialization of the playbin/pipeline
Bin pipelineBin = (Bin)pipeline;
pipelineBin.Add(sourceElement, decodeElement,
convertElement, overlayElement, queueElement, sinkElement);
Element.Link(sourceElement, decodeElement, convertElement,
overlayElement, queueElement, sinkElement);
And then my signal functions are:
private static void PrepareOverlay(object o, GLib.SignalArgs args)
private static void DrawOverlay(object o, GLib.SignalArgs args)
My breakpoints inside the signal functions never hit.
Hopefully someone can help me out!
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