Too many open files

Engin Firat engin.firat at
Wed Mar 18 12:37:23 PDT 2015

Related with this post:

As time passes, system crashes by the following error message "Too many
open files." .
It seems, as filesink is closed, underlying file handle is not closing by
the software. I have tested this scenario by changing the recording period
of the system. As recording period gets smaller system crash time
increases. This means that problem is related with total created and closed
filesink elements.

How the problem can be solved?


*Engin FIRAT*
Adoniss Yazılım Bilişim
Elektronik Araştırma Geliştirme
Limited Şirketi

+90 506 884 82 07 (Mobile)
ODTÜ Teknokent, ODTÜ-Halıcı Yazılımevi
İnönü Bulvarı / ANKARA (Address)
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