Compositor: Using v4l2 poolbuffer allocation
pablo.anton at
Thu Mar 19 08:58:14 PDT 2015
I've found the problem.
Into videoaggragator, each time a new sink pad arrives, the src pad needs a
reconfiguration. There, it also take place a reconfiguration of the
bufferpool by means of calling to gst_videoaggregator_do_bufferpool.
The problem was that if the second sink arrives after some buffer has been
pushed to the encoder, the reconfiguration provokes buffer drop. An easy
(but probably not correct) way to solve this is checking if the pool is
already configured each time a new sink arrives, in that case, we do
2015-03-19 12:05 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne at>
> Le 03/19/2015 04:02 AM, Jean-Michel Hautbois a écrit :
> > The error observed is that the first buffer provided by the encoder to
> > h264parse is not correct. And so, h264parse fails to find NAL, etc.
> Would be useful to verify what it is. Would it be possible that the
> first frame is an AVC header of some sort ? That would mean the entire
> stream is no byte-stream, in which case the driver is not setting the
> right format (we don't implement AVC support at the moment in any of the
> v4l2 element).
> Another possibility is that ordering is wrong. Again, driver is suppose
> to deal with that, would be nice to check.
> Nicolas
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*Pablo Anton*
14 rue du Pâtis Tatelin
Bâtiment D
35700 - Rennes
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