gstreamer get video playing event

Tim Müller tim at
Wed Nov 4 03:48:07 PST 2015

On Wed, 2015-11-04 at 01:37 -0800, abdus_salam wrote:


I think we need some more information from you about what you're doing
exactly: where does the data come from? did you set appsrc to is-live?
what is the keyframe frequency in the stream?

GStreamer provides software decoders based on ffmpeg/libav. These
decoders are used on most desktop systems (unless gstreamer-vaapi or so
is used).

I don't really understand what you're asking for to be honest.

If it takes 2 seconds until the video starts playing that might be
because there isn't a keyframe for the first 2 seconds, in which case
audio will start playing and the first frame will stay frozen until the
time when it should be output (which seems better than showing no
picture at all, but you can configure that).

Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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