Missing openh264enc plugin in Linux

Croci Stéphane stephane.croci.sc at free.fr
Mon Aug 22 13:04:38 UTC 2016

Hello Sebastian,

I've generated libgstopenh264.so with openh264v1.5 for Ubuntu 16.04
openh264 v1.5 was generated from https://github.com/cisco/openh264 
sources and lib installed under /usr/local/lib/ (libopenh264.so)

(Note that libgstopenh264 doesn't build against openh264 v1.6 : 
SM_AUTO_SLICE and SpatialLayerConfig.sSliceCfg are no longer defined).

But openh264 plugin isn't available =>
gst-inspect-1.0 .libs/libgstopenh264.so

    (gst-inspect-1.0:15138): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin
    '.libs/libgstopenh264.so': .libs/libgstopenh264.so: undefined
    symbol: WelsCreateSVCEncoder
    Impossible de charger le fichier de greffon : Opening module
    failed: .libs/libgstopenh264.so: undefined symbol: WelsCreateSVCEncoder

however lib entry is available =>

    nm /usr/local/lib/libopenh264.so |grep WelsCreateSVCEncoder
    0000000000075290 T WelsCreateSVCEncoder

I checked /usr/local/lib is well set in ldconfig as well as 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so libopenh264.so is available.

So, what did I miss ? How the plugin is supposed to do the link with 
libopenh264.so (I haven't see anything related in the build step) ?


Le 22/08/2016 à 07:59, Sebastian Dröge a écrit :
> On Fri, 2016-08-19 at 07:32 -0700, kroketor wrote:
>> Thank you for your advice Andres.
>> Yes, you are right, the x264enc is present and i'm actually using it, but in
>> my (short) experience in windows it creates biggers archives (double size)
>> than the openh264 and i need to optimize the space in my project.
> Check all the properties on it. It can basically create whatever you
> want it to, it might just be that the default settings are different.
> For openh264, you seem to be using Debian or a Debian derived
> distribution. Currently Debian does not package openh264 at all, so the
> plugin in the gst-plugins-bad package can also not be enabled.
> You can build it yourself if needed though, there's nothing inherent in
> it that it couldn't work on Linux. It does very well :)
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