iOS: pausing video streaming pipeline before dispose graphical context

elio francesconi elio.francesconi at
Sat Mar 5 17:24:59 UTC 2016

Hi all,
I'm facing a crash with my iOS application. It seems the pipeline tries to
draw video when graphical context is already disposed and the application
I solved executing in applicationWillResignActive (immediately before the
graphical context is destroyed gst_element_set_state (pPipeline,
This is the pseudocode:

- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application {
gst_element_set_state (pPipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED);
It is not the best solution to solve the issue because sometimes my
pipeline hangs pausing and the iOS application crashes due to WATCHDOG in
the main thread..

How can I solve this issue?

Is there a best way to stop immediately the pipeline?

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