BGRA for omxh264enc and omxh264dec

Sebastian Dröge sebastian at
Mon Mar 14 08:06:01 UTC 2016

On Mo, 2016-03-14 at 05:39 +0100, Peter Maersk-Moller wrote:
> Hi Sebastian.
> Looking into the to the problem of converting and/or resize I420 or
> NV12 output from the omxh264dec (and others), there seem to be ways
> to both convert to other raw formats as well as perhaps resize the
> output all using the GPU.
> The OpenMAX Il-component video_splitter (input port 250, output ports
> 251-254 - only one is needed) can take input as I420 and output as
> OMX_COLOR_Format32bitARGB8888 or OMX_COLOR_Format32bitBGRA8888 (one
> of which I believe is called a byte stream of R, G, B and A bytes
> (RGBA)) and possibly OMX_COLOR_Format24bitRGB888 or
> OMX_COLOR_Format24bitBGR888 (one of which is believed to be RGB). I'm
> not sure it can do both RGB(A) and BGR(A).
> Anyway, it should be possible to connect the encoder's port 131 to
> the video_splitter's port 250, set the splitter port 250 format to
> I420, perhaps provide buffers for this, set the splitter port 251 to
> RGBA or RGB and feed it data buffers from downstream (perhaps shm)
> for zero-copying. An of course the video_splitter component has to be
> started and prepared for state chage etc.
> For video resizing (and conversion) the OpenMAX image component
> resize can take I420 input on port 60 AND scale AND convert to image
> formats such as RGBA and RGB (I am 95% sure) and output these to
> output port 61 on data buffers from downstreams (perhaps shm).
> All this of course applies to the other omxXXXdec modules.
> The same should be possible for the input for omxh264enc and the
> other encoders in a way so the encoders can take I420/RGB/RGBA at any
> size and the decoders can output I420/RGB/RGBA at any size.
> The "any size" may be to take it to far. There are some restrictions
> for either the encoder and the decoder. For one of them, the width
> and height must both be even numbers and for the other, both must be
> a multipla of 16. I just don't know if you can link OpenMAX video
> modules to OpenMAX image modules. At least some timing may be set and
> controlled out-of-band when going over an image module .... perhaps.
> I tried looking to the GStreamer code, but I can't really see where
> to add the functionality and I am still struggling with the very
> poorly documented OpenMAX examples and docs.
> I hope this is worth looking at. Especailly converting from I420 to
> RGBA for is nearly impossible on the Pi-platform for 720p and quite
> impossible for 1080p with the current gstreamer version, conversion
> alone take a lot of CPU not really present.
> Does it help to open a ticket for an improvement?

Here's a ticket with an (outdated) patch that integrates the resize
component via tunneling into the decoder:

Sebastian Dröge, Centricular Ltd ·

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