CameraBin start-capture triggers auto-focus, making captured image blurry

Robert Hailey gstreamer at
Wed Mar 16 16:07:19 UTC 2016


I'm trying to understand what is causing an auto-focus event in
response to the CameraBin receiving a 'start-capture' (or
'capture-start') signal.

Fedora 22
Ziggi HD Plus Document Camera

Does anyone know off-hand:

* if-or-where there is an intentional focus being done in gstreamer,

* if-or-where there is any re-initialization needed during still image
  capture (e.g. when handling different view-finder & capture output
  pixel sizes), or

* if this (or a similar) issue has been addressed between 1.4.x and
  1.6.x ?

Thanks in advance!

Robert Hailey

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