Help me in writing a player based on gstreamer for raspberry pi at
Fri Oct 7 08:50:56 UTC 2016
Sebastian Dröge-3 wrote
> Can you share your code, ideally in a way that is compileable and
> allows to reproduce your problem?
Yes sure. But I have figured out the issue and not sure if it is a bug
The gst_gl_window_dispmanx_egl_set_window_handle() is empty and does
static void
gst_gl_window_dispmanx_egl_set_window_handle (GstGLWindow * window,
guintptr handle)
I filled this function to assign the window handle (Not sure if it is the
right way to do it) and i was able to move the window from my app :). But
still no luck with fullscreen :( .. The are two issues here.
1] After set_window is called and custom user window is set (1920x1080), I
see a call for setting preffered window size with video frame resolution
(1280x720), which will call window_resize() function and resize and centers
the user custom window.
2] I did try to resize my custom window again using dispmanx call
vc_dispmanx_element_change_attributes () but it resulted in garbage video..
I am pretty sure this about src_rect and dest_rect related issue. The
src_rect which I had created had 1920x1080 resolution but now due to window
resize() it has changed to 1280x720 .. But application doesn't know about
this because the resize has happened inside player like explained above 1]
.. So app somehow needs to know what is the current src_rect info so that
in can scale to any dest_rect
I will share the code soon for all my changes.
Thanks & Regards
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